Achievements are badges that players receive on Steam and Xbox platforms for completing certain in-game objectives.
To get an achievement in HoI4, you must meet the requirements of the achievement with the appropriate game settings, which are usually:
- No game modifications enabled,
- The game’s difficulty level is at least Regular,
- The game is in Ironman mode.
A list of achievements along with the conditions for obtaining them and tips can be found on the official game wiki.
How to get achievements more easily?
- Play on the lowest possible difficulty level – Regular. Higher difficulty levels may make the achievement more difficult and longer to complete.
- Some achievements are easier to earn with the Historical AI Focuses option turned off. When this option is turned off, the gameplay may look quite different from the historical one, giving you the chance to earn some achievements significantly easier.
- When starting the game, check what achievements are available for the selected country and how many of them can be earned in one game. Usually, achievements for a country require specific national goals that are mutually exclusive.